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Saturday, March 10, 2012

More than just snowmen

With a little food coloring and water in a squirt bottle the white snowballs turn into ice cream scoops. Daylan loved making the scoops and adding their flavors. We made a ice cream shop and 'tested' the flavors. the best thing about this is there is no clean up. What can do you in the snow besides sledding and snowmen?

Friday, March 2, 2012

pint sized kitchen cleaners

My little ones are the best kitchen cleaners around. They had so much fun cleaning the floor. My oldest thought it was fun to pretend the floor was a slip n side and my youngest loved explore a new tub of water not in the bath. I love including my kids in all activities throughout the day even chores. What do your pint sized cleaners help you with?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sensory Bins

 This was Adelyns first experience with the sensory tub! Needless to say she loved it. This one is filled with beans and small rocks, a shovel, a flower, some clothespins , crayons and a empty fish tank. She loved to scoop up the rocks and put them in the tank. She played with the flower like a duster. She tried sorting out the paper from rocks. She even climbed inside to explore more. I can't wait for the next sensory tub idea to come my way. What are your tub ideas for March?